Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day One: Part Two

Success! I made it out for a "short" run. Four miles felt awfully long after almost three weeks off! I'll really have to get serious about training again soon, but for now, the cold weather keeps me inside most days. I always enjoy it and feel great when I'm done, but when the temperature dips below 40 degrees, I just don't have as much fun.

Lunch after the run was light but delicious: a can of cannellini beans, rinsed, heated on the stove with some olive oil, salt, pepper and thyme with a squeeze of lemon at the end served with a sliced tomato. I also enjoyed my current favorite afternoon sweet snack of organic flax seed raisin bran. I know that it sounds strange, but the raisins in milk are so sweet and the carbs hit the afternoon craving spot.

On the menu for this evening is homemade pizza. The crust is half regular flour and half whole wheat. Mine is pretty traditional with sliced tomatoes, mozzarella and basil with little dabs of pesto on the tomato slices. My sister piled hers high with mushrooms, onions, ricotta cheese and a pesto sauce in place of tomato sauce. Yum!

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